Blog Page 202

Virginia Woolf Was Kind of a Dick


To quote Wikipedia, Virginia Woolf was “one of the foremost modernists of the twentieth century”, which is all well and good, but it doesn’t change the fact she was kind of a dick to her servants. 

That Time Luke Cage Beat Up Doctor Doom, Over $200


In three days, Luke Cage also known as Power Man, but better known as a that beautiful piece of hewn onyx that eye fucks you every time you log onto Netflix, will have his own show. While we have no real idea what will happen in season 1 of the show, it’s definitely not going to contain arguably the best thing the hero ever did, beating up Doctor Doom for $200. 

No One Knows How Guinea Pigs Got Their Name


Humans have a fairly spotty track record when it comes to naming animals, sure we got it bang on the money with the rattlesnake and the goldfish, but for every animal we got right there’s a flying fox (which isn’t a fox) or king cobra (which doesn’t even wear an awesome tiny crown). Perhaps the most infuriatingly named animal of all is the guinea pig.

The Most Controversial British TV Show is Adorable


Anything popular is bound to court controversy at some point, that’s just the way the world works. If a million people watch you take a dump someone is going to be annoyed you didn’t wipe enough. With that in mind, lets talk about how people in Britain love complaining about a baking show. 

Cyclops Punches People With His Eyes


At first glance (fuck you we will never apologise for that pun) the superhero Cyclops’ powers seem fairly straight forward. He fires lasers from his eyes. According to the comics though, Cyclops’ powers are a little more, shall we say, odd.