Blog Page 143

Almost Nobody Understood the Matrix, Except Morpheus


A little known fact about The Matrix is that every member of the cast had to prove to the Wachowskis that they understood the concept of the film before they were allowed to appear in it. Apparently the only person to grasp the film and its nuances on their first try was Laurence Fishburne. 

How a CGI kangaroo saved a shitty crime movie


Kangaroo Jack is a movie so utterly without merit or value that copies of it spontaneously appeared in Blockbuster stores that went out of business. Rightfully panned by critics harder enough to turn DVD copies into diamond, the film initially began life as a shitty crime movie that someone inexplicably decided to insert a random CGI kangaroo into. 

The Kids Show More Factually Accurate Than the History Channel


As we’ve covered multiple times on this very website, if you pick up a book every now and again you’ll find that history is littered with all sorts of cool shit. Something the BBC kids sketch show, Horrible Histories based its entire premise on, in the process winning awards and praise for its humor and educational content.

Meet the human lie detector who only uses his power for good


Widely regarded as one of the foremost experts on lying and deception, Dr Paul Ekman has spent virtually his entire adult life learning the various idiosyncrasies displayed by humans when they’re mid-whopper. As a result of his years of study into this highly specific subject Ekman is basically a human-shaped lie detector. A skill Ekman has rather adorably endeavoured to only use for good. 

Marching Bands Are Pretty Badass


We’re assuming that, like us, most everyone reading this gleaned the majority of what they know about marching bands from that girl in the American Pie movies and that one episode of Spongebob. Which is a shame, because if you look into it even just a little bit, it becomes apparent that marching bands and the people in them are all kinds of hardcore.