Blog Page 142

The actor so sexy Hollywood didn’t know how to handle it


Different men react in different ways when they’re confronted by a superior specimen of manliness. Some men stand in awe, some get angry and if reactions to Sessue Hayakawa’s famed in the early 20th century are to be believed, some men just can’t fucking deal. 

Jurassic Park’s dinosaur supervisor thought he did a great job


Phil Tippet is a big-dicked stop motion artist and special effects guru with an IMDB page longer than a limosuine shaped dildo. Although Tippett has worked on dozens of films over the years most people know him as the Dinosaur Supervisor from Jurassic Park. A job Tippett thinks he did really well, you know, even though all of the dinosaurs escaped. 

The TV show that was cancelled for being too funny


TV networks cancel good TV shows all of the time, usually for very, very stupid reasons. However perhaps no network has ever fucked up harder than ABC when they cancelled Police Squad! because one executive thought audiences were too stupid too keep up with the number of jokes the show told. 

Punching Dogs for Food, the Daniel Dancer Way to Save Money


Nobody likes spending money, it’s just something we all do to sporadically to continue living and maybe have a new Xbox game. Daniel Dancer though wasn’t just a man who hated spending money, he was so tightfisted he could crush the windpipe of a diamond swan. 

The Tiger That Went Extinct Because Nobody Cared About It


It’s always sad when an animal goes extinct, unless of course the animal in questions happens to be a rare species of testicle eating vampire bat or something. With that in mind it may sadden you to learn that the Caspian tiger went extinct, in part, because biologists couldn’t be bothered to find out how many of them were actually left. In the 90’s!