Blog Page 137

The hidden details of the zombies in Dawn of the Dead nobody noticed


The original 1978 version of Dawn of the Dead is considered by many to be the definitive work of zombie fiction. Although the effects in the film look comparatively laughable compared to movies and even TV shows today, they’re not without their charm. For example, consider that special effects guru Tom Savini made sure every zombie looked somewhat unique

The Pistol From Predator 2 Has an Amazing Backstory


There arguably hasn’t been a decent Predator movie since Predator 2, meaning we haven’t had a good Predator movie in 25 fucking years. Which is a little odd when you consider studios have been sat on an amazing Predator story for almost a decade. 

‘The Room’ almost had a flying vampire car in it


The Room is, depending on who you ask, a work of film making genius or a cinematic turd that fell into a bowl of glitter after it was released on DVD. Simultaneously heralded as a comedic masterpiece and one of the worst movies ever made, the film is infamous for it nonsensical, virtually unintelligible plot. A fact made all the more impressive when you realise it very almost contained a scene with a flying vampire car. 

Crocodiles pant like dogs, like being licked


Crocodiles, or terror-logs as they’re sometimes known, are pretty god-damn scary creatures. Naturally armoured and capable of biting clean through a large fridge if sufficiently pissed off, crocodiles can effortlessly kill even the burliest human with little more than a nip of their giant toothy maw. A fact that makes it all the more hilarious that crocodiles sometimes pant like dogs. 

Mr Rogers was too nice to interview


Mr Rogers was arguably one of the nicest men to have ever lived and many who met him were often surprised to learn that his kindly demeanour wasn’t just an act he affected for his TV shows. This, along with being fucking adorable, made him a pain in the ass to interview because he never really talked about himself.