Blog Page 247

The Man Who Was Totally Chill With Being the Worst Player in Madden


Given that we’re a website that has occasionally been linked to on Reddit, we’re fairly used to being told that we suck various amounts of dick by strangers online, which, isn’t pleasant. Which is why our heart goes out to Ethan Albright, an NFL player who, in 2008 found out that he was objectively ranked as the single worst player in that year’s Madden game, or it would if Albright wasn’t so unbelievably god-damn chill about the whole thing. 

Isaac Newton Got Good Grades in School To Annoy a Bully


Sir Isaac Newton is the entire reason you can read this paragraph without floating off at random thanks to the blood oath he signed with the gravity Gods many years ago in return for him not trying to mate with their women. He’s by far one of the best known, most well respected and baddest ass thinkers of the last few hundred years and we may owe all of his scientific achievements to the kid who used to bully him in school. 

Victorian Police Officers Only Had a Rattle to Defend Themselves With


We currently live in an age where police officers can regularly be seen driving around in fucking tanks, which is both unnecessary and kind of terrifying. So today we wanted to tell you about a simpler time in history when British police officers were armed with nothing more than sticks, rattles and rock hard top hats. 

You Could Safely Walk Across That Awesome Roman Shield Formation


The testsudo formation, AKA, the tortoise, is probably one of the most famous military manoeuvres in history right behind flying directly into the enemies death cannons to clog them with wreckage. Along with looking ridiculously cool, the formation was also so strong that it could double as a bridge.

Bruce Lee Was a Huge Troll


We were asked once if we’d ever stop writing articles about Bruce Lee and in response we said, when he stops being awesome, since that hasn’t happened yet, here’s an article about how he’d troll people he met, with martial arts.