Blog Page 157

Toho Hated The 1998 Movie Version Of Godzilla So Much They Had It Blown Up


The 1998 Godzilla movie was so shitty that, Kenpachiro Satsuma, one of the guys who’d originally donned the giant rubber suit in the 70’s walked out of the screening in disgust. We’re not joking about that for comedic effect, that actually happened. In fact the monster in that movie was so poorly received that when Toho got the rights to the character back in 2003, they wiped it off of the face of the Earth, using the real Godzilla.

The North Korean Pilot Who Defected Like a Boss


Since North Korea seems to like being in the news so god damn much, why not read about that one time one of their own pilots defected in a high-tech jet because he hated living there. 

Carrie Fisher had a copy of the Star Wars Holiday Special


The Star Wars Holiday Special is, to paraphrase reviews that came out at the time, a big ol’ pile of shit. In fact it was so bad that while he had a stranglehold on the Star Wars brand, George Lucas tried to bury it forever, reportedly only giving permission for a single official copy to be made, which he of course gave to Carrie Fisher. 

The Tennis Player Who is Boring on Purpose


For most people, being told that they’re boring would be considered an insult, for tennis player Andy Murray though it’s simply confirmation that his ingenious method of avoiding controversy by being as boring as possible is working exactly as intended.

The Interview That Cost Microsoft Resident Evil 4


For the non-gamers reading this, Resident Evil 4 is one of the most highly rated video games ever made and originally, it was only supposed to be released for a single games console, all because of an interview.