Blog Page 121

Bill Pickett, the man who suplexed cows for fun


If out of context Jackass clips and Looney Tunes shorts have taught us anything it’s that you don’t fuck with an animal with horns. A lesson famed cowboy Bill Pickett seemingly never learned given that he invented a sport that involves wrestling them to the ground.

The badass beetle that doesn’t give a fuck if you stomp on it


All bugs and insects, regardless of how terrifying and spindly their legs are, haven’t got shit on a swift stomp from a boot-covered foot. Like, it’s not even fair how poorly even the creepiest of crawlies fare against a size 10 shoe slammed down on their head at mach 3. A fact that probably explains why ironclad beetles seemingly evolved just to counter our single most effective way of dealing with its kind. 

The Apple Computer so Bad It Failed 100% of the Time


Taking things that have already been invented and slapping their logo onto it is pretty much the modus operandi of Apple at this point. As such, we think its important to remind everyone that Apple once released a computer so bad it had 100% failure rate. The Apple III.

Negasonic Teenage Warhead only appeared in Deadpool because of her name


Negasonic Teenage Warhead is the grumpy, reluctant heart of the Deadpool movies and a character often singled out as one of the standout characters of the franchise. A fact that’s kind of hilarious when you consider she literally only in the movies because the filmmakers thought her name was all kinds of rad. 

Gomez Addams is one of the richest characters in fiction


We think most people would agree that Gomez Addams is one suave-ass motherfucker. Armed with a set of suits sharper than the fins of an origami shark and an endless supply of cigars, Addams’ lavish lifestyle is funded by a series of bizarre investments that inexplicably paid off.