Blog Page 277

The 2002 Scooby-Doo Movie Cut All Of Your Favourite Jokes


If you’ve never watched Scooby-Doo, you can stop reading this entry, close your browser and silently weep, if people are around, don’t worry, they’ll understand because they watched Scooby-Doo as children. For everyone else, did you know the 2002 live action movie cut like a bunch of really awesome jokes.

As a Kid Jimi Hendrix Carried Around a Broom, For a Year


Jimi Hendrix’s name is so intrinsically linked to the guitar that to this day, slamming all of an amplifiers knobs to the maximum setting is still referred to as the “Hendrix setting” by some people. Something he earned by pretty much walking around with a guitar everywhere he went.

Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory Was Made For the Director’s Daughter


The original Charlie and the Chocolate Factory movie, oddly called, Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory for no reason we can discern is consistently rated as one of the finest children’s movies of all time, impressive considering it features one of the singular most terrifying scenes ever filmed. But we digress, the film would have never been made in the first place if it wasn’t for one little girl who really liked reading.

The Egg Eating Snake That Has Teeth Inside Its Body


Egg eating snakes, which sometimes go by the more science-y, but less descriptive name of “Dasypeltis” are a mostly toothless subsection of the snake genus that subside almost entirely on eggs. Weirdly, unlike virtually every other animal on Earth that eats eggs, egg eating snakes eat them whole.

For Comp Tickets To An Adele Concert You Have To Donate To Charity


Adele is probably the finest singer alive today, there’s no joke here, she’s freaking rad, she once made James Bond himself cry like a bitch by making sweet vocal love to his theme song. If you ever manage to get your hands on some sweet free tickets to see her sing though, you better be willing to splash the cash on a charitable donation first, wait, what?