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The Magic Trick Nobody Is Sure Exists – The Indian Rope Trick


Thanks to the internet, there aren’t very many magic tricks out there that haven’t been spoiled by someone on YouTube. Which is what makes the Indian rope trick so unique in the world of magic because despite being one of the most famous tricks of all time, we don’t only know how it’s done, but there’s fierce debate about whether it even exists. 

The Giant Tortoise is Apparently Too Delicious For Its Own Good


The giant tortoise is a fairly unremarkable creature if you ignore that fact it can live for 10 decades and the sound of them getting their fuck on is the same noise used in Jurassic Park for the velociraptors (we’re not making that up). They’re also apparently just all kinds of delicious. 

Alice Roosevelt Just Didn’t Give a F**k


We can’t imagine that it’s easy growing up with a famous parent, it must really suck to have your every achievement compared to those of the person who was also responsible for telling you to clean your room and embarrassing you in front of your friends as a kid. With that in mind, we were pleasantly surprised to find out that the daughter of President Theodore Roosevelt spent almost her entire life kicking the ever-loving shit out of her father’s shadow. 

In Case You Forgot That Meryl Streep is Awesome


Meryl Streep doesn’t need us to tell anyone that she’s a fantastic actor, the bag of awards in her house and creative dick-slap she gives every other actor when she owns whatever she role she’s playing do that for her. We would like to discuss one very particular aspect of her acting style though, mainly her unusual ability to perfectly emulate accents.

Apparently White Men Can Jump


White Guys Can’t Jump is possibly one of the most 90’s movies ever made because it features a pre tax evasion Wesley Snipes, backwards baseball caps and Jeopardy. It also apparently features basketball at some point but we’ve never noticed it because we were too busy looking at Wesley Snipe’s hat.