Blog Page 170

People on Wikipedia Spent Weeks Arguing About a Picture of a Cow


Using a camera, 3 bottles of beer and a computer, this article was recently turned into a video. If seeing a pasty British guy lose his shit while talking about people slowly pushing cows over, you can find the text version of the article below.

The Gender of the Last Tasmanian Tiger Was a Mystery for 70 Years


This article was recently made into a video which includes, amongst other things, a brief cameo by a chihuahua. If that doesn’t sound like the raddest shit ever to you, feel free to check out the original article below.

The Noisy Cricket is given to MIB Agents as a joke


The Noisy Cricket from the Men in Black franchise is easily one of the most ridiculous fictional firearms ever devised. It’s a tiny, pocket-sized alien cannon that produces so much recoil it could tear the arms off of a concrete gorilla. It’s a weapon so ineffective you’d have more chance killing a badguy with it if you hid it in their oatmeal and hoped they choked on it. As it turns out the Men in Black know this and only give the weapon to rookie agents as a joke.

James Bond Doesn’t Like Tea


James Bond has never been more popular so we figured it was time to remind everyone that one of the most famous British fictional characters ever conceived, fucking hates drinking tea. In fact James Bond hates tea so much he acted like a total asshole to his secretary when she tried serving it to him that one time.

The makers of ‘Dead Space’ didn’t have a very fun time


Dead Space is a video game in which you use a variety of re-purposed futuristic mining tools to dismember hoards of corpses that have been reanimated by an alien virus. Although the game itself is pretty fucking rad, the people making it didn’t have all that great a time and had to spend weeks studying photos of actual dead bodies to make the virtual carnage and gore in the game look as realistic as possible.