Blog Page 4

Hugh Jackman Didn’t Wear Shoes When Playing Wolverine


There are few actors as closely associated with their most well-known role as Hugh Jackman is with Wolverine. A character who is now intrinsically linked with the actor in the minds of many fans despite the fact he very nearly didn’t get the role due to being a clear foot taller than the character is in his native comics. Something they fixed by simply telling Jackman to take his shoes off.

The Acting Role That Stopped an Actor Changing his Name


Frasier is a show that has accomplished an ever rarer feat in the world of television in that it’s a spin-off that arguably more successful that the show that led to its genesis. Something that can be, in part, attributed to the acting talent of one David Hyde Pierce, a breakout star of the show who nonetheless felt a significant amount of ill will towards it initially due to it stopping him from changing his name.

The Roman Emperor Who Had a Penis-based Promotion System


As we’ve discussed before, the infamous Roman emperor Elagabalus was a, interesting individual known for doing things like catapulting snakes at his own people or spicing up dinner parties with a surprise leopard. One thing we didn’t get into though was the Emperor’s fondness for penises of the giant fuck off variety. So allow us to correct that unfortunate error by spending the next 500 words talking about how much Elagabalus loved himself some big swinging dicks.

The Particle Accelerator That Was Powered by a Pooping Ferret


Since ancient man first gingerly rubbed a pair of sticks together and created fire, human beings have worked tirelessly to master the elements. The culmination of which is inarguably, the particle accelerator a device designed to harness, capture and control the very building blocks of our universe. A science quest that was aided, in part, by a shit-caked ferret called Felicia.

Vultures Can Eat Disease and Shit Bleach


As we’ve discussed before and contrary to popular opinion, vultures are remarkably clean creatures that are noted as playing an important, albeit unsavoury, role in the ecosystem. Mainly that of an organic dustbin that removes carrion and more importantly, disease from an environment. Something facilitated by the vultures uncanny ability to eat batteries and shit bleach.