Blog Page 262

The Man Who Wrote His Daughter’s Name on the Moon


Eugene Cernan may not be the first name that leaps to mind when you hear the words “man who walked on the moon” but it certainly should be after you hear what he did when he went up there. 

The Horseshoe Crab, the Alien Crab With Golden Blood

Image credit: Uwe Kils, Wikimedia commons

The horseshoe crab is what you’d get if you asked H. R. Giger to draw you an Alien Facehugger with a bulletproof vest. It’s an alien, almost evil looking creature that has probably done more for humanity than any of us could ever hope to dream.

All of the Desks in Metal Gear Solid are Unique


Today we’re going to talk about a game in which the attention to detail was so ridiculous, the director literally made sure every single desk in the game was unique. If you can’t understand why that’s insane, we’re talking about a game that was released 16 years ago.

LSD is Statistically Safer For You Than Marijuana


We’re guessing that a decent number of you reading this have that one friend who never stops posting about the legalization of marijuana. If that friend of yours happens to hinge their entire argument on the fact that marijuana is a natural drug, you may wish to inform them that it’s still not as safe as LSD just to watch their face drop.

If you or a love one are struggling with an addiction and do not where to search for help you can visit this page this is a luxury rehab center with beach views that will help you getting better.

The Sheep Who Learned to Roll to Freedom


We’re guessing that like us, a lot of people reading this think sheep are dumb as shit. But did you know that the humble sheep is probably one of the smartest domestic animals we’re aware of, if only because a bunch of them once learned to escape their enclosure with the power of fuzziness.