Blog Page 269

The Man Who Burned Money Instead of Carrying it


If you saw someone whip out a huge wad of money, shrug and then burn it, it’s likely that person would be on their way to hospital with a serious case of “multiple face slaps to the stupid face” with a wad of singed money punched into the back of their throat. With that in mind it’s probably a good idea you never met Gordon Bennett, a man who had the foresight to die 100 years before this was published, the coward.

The Pilots Who Helped The SAS During the Iranian Embassy Siege


It’d be an impossible feat to talk about all of the people who made the rescue of hostages during the 1980 Iranian Embassy siege possible, so today we’re just going to talk about the pilots who played a small, but crucial role that fateful day 34 years ago. 

People Used to Think The Stegosaurus Had Two Brains


The stegosaurus is one of the more well-known dinosaurs out there, appearing in more forms of media than almost any of its lizardy bretheren with the exception of the T-Rex and possible that dinosaur with wings on its legs. Interestingly, it’s also one of the dumbest.

The Curious Reason Darwin Grew His Beard


Whenever Charles Robert Darwin is mentioned in conversation it’s almost certain that your mind wanders to one of the B’s, the Beagle, the Book or the Beard.

Isaac Newton Knew How to Hold a Grudge


It’s almost certain that everyone reading this has next to know clue who the hell Robert Hooke is, with the small exception of the few of you who remember being taught Hookes law in physics class. Well, you can thank Isaac Newton for that.