Blog Page 232

Donald Trump Kept a Book of Hitler’s Speeches by His Bed


With all of the hoo-hah surrounding Donald Trump at the moment for his comment about putting American Muslims on some sort of register that he totally said, like twice, before denying it, and all of the connotations of Hitler such a comment rightfully invokes, it’s probably a good time to remind everyone of that time in 1990 when it was revealed Trump literally slept with a copy of Hitler’ s speeches within arms reach. 

Nobody Believes the Inventor of the GIF How ‘GIF’ is Pronounced


The pronunciation of the word GIF is probably one of the most explosive and contentious topics online trailing only behind the concept of tipping and whether or not it’s okay to harass women online. Which is odd, because the guy who invented the GIF has already conclusively stated that its pronounced “JIF” with a soft, flaccid and yet some how noble G and nobody listened to him.

The Forrest Gump Feather Scene Was Entirely CGI


Forrest Gump is one of the single most successful movies of all time and it won enough Oscars to haunt Leonardo DiCaprio dreams until the end of time. The film was widely praised for its extensive special effects and rather fittingly, the films best visual effect is the one no one really noticed at the time, we’re of course talking about film’s opening scene, you know, the one with the ham-fisted feather metaphor.

That Time JFK Bought 1200 (Illegal) Cigars


Here at Factfiend we’ve already covered how President Kennedy was a big-dick war hero during WW2, so today we’re going to cover a decidely more uncouth fact about the Presidient. More specifically, the time he bought 1200 Cuban cigars literally moments before making them illegal.

Doctors Told Jack Lalanne That Exercise was Bad For You


Jack Lalanne was probably one of the fittest human being to have ever lived. In fact, he was so fit that it is now commonly believed that he could have carried the coffin at his own funeral if he wasn’t already too busy teaching God how to properly do push-ups. However, for some reason, when Jack Lalanne first started his career, doctors actively tried to discourage people from following his advice because they thought it was dangerous and kind of stupid.