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The Hero Pigeon Who Took Two Bullets and Lived

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Pigeons have been used in war for years, though they primarily only carried messages, the fact they were used to often transmit classified information over long distances made them a prime target for a lead enema. Not to mention who could resist shooting a plump breasted pigeon, there are bonus points for people who recognize that reference.

He-Man Was Almost a Spaceman


Like the Transformers, He-Man was a character created for the sole purpose of selling toys to children. Unlike the Transformers though, the idea behind what exactly He-Man was, was so nebulous that he was originally going to be a really buff spaceman. 

The Amazing Science Behind Bananas, the Killer Fruit

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It’s often said that you shouldn’t keep bananas with other pieces of fruit. Far from being an old wives tale or something crazy people scream while punching melons in the fruit aisle, this is totally true. You may think that sounds crazy but as you’ll learn if you continue to read this site, “crazy” is just an excuse people who don’t like dropping some mad science use when they don’t want to do some research.

Samus Aran Was Supposed to Be a Dude


Samus Aran is one of most recognisable figures from gaming, what with her being one of the first female protagonists in gaming history and the fact she owns a ridiculously bitchin’ arm cannon. She also owes virtually her entire existence to one developer making a joke.

The Weird Reason People Didn’t Think Trump Could Be President in 2011


Donald Trump is a political anomaly who has inexplicably managed to piss off a sizeable percentage of the American population while simultaneously convincing those he hasn’t called a rapist or a loser that he’d be a totally bitchin’ President, you guys. Hilariously, back in the halcyon days of 2011 when The Donald wasn’t a genuine candidate for most powerful man on Earth, much doubt was cast on his ability to even sway people to his side in the first place because he hates shaking hands.