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Disney Doesn’t Like Deadmau5’s Mouse Helmet


Deadmau5 (pronounced deadmouse) is an electronic musician and DJ who always performs while wearing a big-ass plastic helmet designed to look like a mouse. A helmet that just so happens to bear a striking resemblance to a certain mascot for a soulless corporate entity called Disney, who attempted to sue Deadmau5 for trademark infringement in 2014, which didn’t exactly go well. 

China’s Army Doesn’t Punch Bricks in Half Anymore


It’s estimated that China currently has one of the largest and best equipped armies on Earth with over 4 million soldiers and enough missiles and bombs to put a sizeable, dick-shaped dent in the moon. Also each of their soldiers can also punch a brick clean in half. Or they could until the Chinese government decided that training its soldiers to slap concrete to dust wasn’t an effective use of its time. 

The Men Who Assassinated a Nazi With a Suitcase and a Bicycle


According to military historians and people who study Nazis (Nazi-ologists?), Reinhard Heydrich is arguably one of the biggest dickheads in all of history. Which is why we’re going to take great pleasure in telling you the story of how he was assassinated. 

The Most Fearless Lion Tamer Of Them All Was Kind Of A Dick


If the term “lion taming” doesn’t immediately cause you to think of a granite chested, ball-smashing slab of chiselled man-meat sporting a moustache you could choke a Hydra with, you probably read the wrongs books when you were a child. Though lion tamers enjoy a reputation as fearless badasses today, the first one in recorded history was actually a huge asshole.

Annie Oakley Wanted to Train Her Own Team of Elite Female Snipers


Annie Oakley is a name synonymous with the world of trick-shooting. Known as one of the finest shots and in all of history, Oakley commanded a great deal of respect during her lifetime. Weirdly though, when she offered her services to her country, she was turned down. Twice.