Blog Page 139

Jim spent $10,000 being a dick to Dwight in The Office


The US version of The Office is a show known for its eclectic cast of characters, most of which have like, a singular defining character trait. Michael Scott is a bumbling dumbass, Dwight Shrute is an ass-kissing weirdo and Jim Halpert is a sociopathic dickhole who spends the thousands of his own dollars harassing the shit out of his coworker. 

Why the best 3D movie has flying dildos in it


Given that they openly refer to themselves as dumbasses, you wouldn’t really expect the cast of the Jackass movies and TV show to be all that smart. However, as it turns out, they’ve actually been behind two of the most technologically impressive feats of the last decade. 

The bizarre marketing theory used to make us spend money on shitty products


Within the sphere of economics there’s an intriguing concept known Veblen goods which, in a nutshell, are products or services that inexplicably sell better when more money is charged for them. An idea that spits in the face of usually cast iron rules of supply and demand and is utilised extensively by a bunch of luxury and not-so luxury brands to part us from our hard earned monies. 

Octopuses Can Hide Pretty Much Anywhere


In general, there are very few sea creatures that pose a threat to humans while we’re stood on dry land. Even the mighty great white shark would find itself slowly drowning in delicious shark killing air, its last view of the world being a set of testicles being slowly lowered onto its face. Then you have octopuses, sea creatures who can not only survive on land, but thrive on it given the right conditions. 

The Chinese military hero who ended a battle with one arrow


Within the annals of Chinese military history the name Lu Bu is treated with equal amounts of respect and reverence. A giant-penised hero responsible for feats that are considered the stuff of legend today, perhaps one of Lu Bu’s most famous achievements is that time he ended a battle before it even began with a single, sniper-like arrow shot.