Blog Page 127

The haircut that saved Prison Break


Prison Break is a show carried on the broad, rippling shoulders of the show’s principle cast, the majority of whom are shaven-headed buff dudes with unnaturally piercing eyes. Oddly, at least one of these men only got hired because of a haircut.

People used to think Rick Astley was black


The most iconic image of Rick Astley is that of an awkward, dorky white guy dancing around in an oversized raincoat. Astley looks whiter than a Colgate sandwich in a snowstorm in that video, which is why it’s so hilarious that for years, people assumed he was black. 

Apparently People Can’t Stop Arguing About the Size of Superman’s Wang


As we’ve discussed before, one of the hardest parts about having to physically portray Superman is that it requires an almost ungodly amount of effort just to attain a physique that is even close to the one the Man of Steel has in the comics. Apparently though there’s another, more hilarious aspect of portraying the Last Son of Krypton that nobody ever talks about, by which we mean, there’s a big argument about exactly how big your dick should look.

Strangers Things got advice from Game of Thrones about spoilers


Stranger Things was one of those shows seemingly custom-made to cultivate a rabid, frothing-at-the-mouth fan base who will seek out and consume and all information related to it. Which was kind of a problem when they were making the second season of the show because they had no idea how to keep things a secret.

Stephen Hawking didn’t give a fuck


Stephen Hawking was a man who spent the majority of his life being referred to as “the smartest man alive”, a sobriquet Hawking didn’t mind but probably would have liked being used in conjunction with “one funny motherfucker”. Something we say because Hawking dedicated an impressive amount of his extremely valuable time making stupid jokes.